Not Candid
Ganesh Iyer

Hi, welcome to my page! I'm Ganesh, currently an Applied Scientist at Amazon Lab126. I am passionate about the research, engineering, and development of ubiquitous intelligent systems that act in everyday environments based on perception, learning, and reasoning. Ultimately, I wish for these learning-based systems to help people in their everyday lives.

I was previously a Graduate Student in the Masters of Science in Robotic Systems Development program at the Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University (read: Robograd :) ). I've had past experiences at as a SLAM software engineering intern, at the Robotics Research Center, IIIT-H as a graduate research assistant, and as a research intern at Swaayatt Robots India, working on a self-driving vehicle prototype for Indian roads. I did my Bachelors in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from the University of Mumbai.

What's New!
  • I'm currently serving as a reviewer for ICRA and RA-L 2021

  • I served as a reviewer for IROS 2020

  • "∇SLAM: Automagically differentiable SLAM" accepted to the Deep Declarative Networks Workshop, CVPR 2020